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Plants CD
Joseph Banks Reserve

Plants in flower in January in the coastal areas of the Sydney Basin

This page offers just one of the many searches available on the Plants of the Royal National Park CD.

It shows a list of all plants (from a database of approximately 300 plants) that should be in flower this month in the RNP or in the coastal areas of the Sydney Basin.

Acacia irrorataGreen Wattle PlantFlowerFruitLeaf     LeafDetail    
Acacia linifoliaFlax-leaved Wattle PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Acacia maideniiMaiden's Wattle PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Acmena smithiiLilly Pilly PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    Bark     
Actinotus minorLesser Flannel Flower PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Angophora costataSmooth-barked Apple, Sydney Red Gum or Rusty Gum PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    Bark    Bud
Apium prostratum var. filiformeSea Celery PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Banksia integrifoliaCoast Banksia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Banksia roburSwamp Banksia or Large-Leaved Banksia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Banksia serrataOld Man Banksia or Saw-Toothed Banksia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf        YoungLeaf 
Blandfordia nobilisChristmas Bells PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Brachyscome angustifoliaGrassland Daisy PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Calystegia soldanella PlantFlower Leaf          
Carpobrotus glaucescensPigface PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Ceratopetalum apetalumCoachwood PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Ceratopetalum gummiferumChristmas Bush PlantFlower Leaf       Other  
Cissus antarticaWater Vine or Kangaroo Grape PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Clerodendrum tomentosumHairy Clerodendrum PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Conospermum tenuifoliumSprawling Coneseeds PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Cryptostylis erectaBonnet Orchid or Tartan Tongue Orchid PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Dampiera strictaBlue Dampiera PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Desmodium gunnii PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Dianella caerulea var. productaParoo Lily PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Dipodium variegatumBlotched Hyacinth Orchid PlantFlowerFruit           
Drosera binataForked Sundew PlantFlower Leaf     LeafDetail    
Einadia nutansClimbing Saltbush or Nodding Saltbush PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Eucalyptus botryoidesBangalay PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    Bark    Bud
Eucalyptus camfieldiiHeart-leaved Stringybark or Camfield's Stringybark PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    Bark    Bud
Eucalyptus pilularisBlackbutt PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    Bark    Bud
Eucalyptus piperitaSydney Peppermint PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    BarkLeafDetail   Bud
Eucalyptus sieberiBlack or Silvertop Ash PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    Bark    Bud
Eupomatia laurinaBolwarra,Copper Beech, or Copper Laurel PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Euromyrtus ramosissimaRosy Baeckea or Rosy Heath Myrtle PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Gahnia asperaRough Saw-sedge Plant FruitLeaf          
Gahnia clarkeiTall Saw-sedge Plant FruitLeaf      Spike   
Geranium homeanumNorthern Cranesbill PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Glycine clandestinaLove Creeper PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Gonocarpus teucrioidesGermander Raspwort PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Goodenia dimorpha var. angustifoliaSandstone Goodenia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Goodenia ovataHop Goodenia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Haemodorum planifoliumStrap-leaf Bloodroot PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Hakea teretifoliaDagger Hakea PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Helichrysum rutidolepisPale Everlasting PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Hemigenia purpureaCommon Hemigenia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Hibbertia scandensClimbing Guinea Flower,Golden Guinea Flower PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Isolepis nodosaKnobby Club Rush PlantFlower        Spike   
Juncus continuus Plant         Spike   
Juncus usitatusCommon Rush Plant         Spike   
Lambertia formosaHoney Flower or Mountain Devil PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Lepidosperma concavumHill Sword-sedge PlantFlower Leaf      Spike   
Lepidosperma lateraleVariable Sword-sedge Plant         Spike   
Leptospermum arachnoidesSpidery Tea Tree or Stiff Tea Tree PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Leptospermum squarrosumPink Tea Tree PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Lobelia alataAngled Lobelia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Lobelia dentataWavy Lobelia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Lomandra multifloraMany-flowered Mat-rush Plant FruitLeaf  MaleFlowerFemaleFlower      
Lomatia silaifoliaBush Parsley or Crinkle Bush PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Marsdenia suaveolensScented Marsdenia or Sweet-Scented Doubah PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Melaleuca hypericifoliaHillock Bush PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Melaleuca squarrosaScented Paperbark PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Melaleuca thymifoliaThyme Honeymyrtle PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Parsonsia stramineaCommon Silkpod PlantFlowerFruitLeaf        YoungLeaf 
Pelargonium australeCoastal Geranium or Native Storkbill PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Persoonia lanceolataLance-leaf Geebung PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Persoonia linearisNarrow-leaf Geebung PlantFlowerFruitLeaf    Bark     
Petrophile pulchellaConesticks PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Platysace lanceolataLance-leaf Platysace PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Plectranthus parviflorusCockspur Flower PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Poranthera microphyllaSmall Poranthera PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Pseuderanthemum variabilePastel Flower PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Psychotria loniceroidesHairy Psychotria PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Sarcocornia quinquefloraGlasswort or Samphire Plant Fruit   MaleFlowerFemaleFlower      
Scaevola calendulaceaDune- or Scented Fan-Flower PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Scaevola ramosissimaPurple Fan-Flower or Snake Flower PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Schoenus brevifoliusFluke Bog Rush or Zigzag Bog Rush Plant         Spike   
Senecio spathulataCoast Groundsel PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Solanum pungentiumEastern Nightshade PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Sowerbaea junceaRush Lily or Vanilla Plant PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Stephania japonica subsp. discolorSnake Vine PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Stylidium lineareHeath Trigger Plant or Narrow-leaf Trigger Plant PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Tristania neriifoliaWater Gum PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Tristaniopsis collinaMountain Water Gum PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Trochocarpa laurinaTree Heath PlantFlowerFruitLeaf        YoungLeaf 
Viola banksiiIvy-leaved- or Native Violet PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Wahlenbergia gracilisAustralian Bluebell PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Westringia fruticosaCoast Rosemary PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Xanthorrhoea arboreaBroad-leaf Grass Tree PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Xanthorrhoea mediaForest Grass Tree PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Xanthorrhoea resiniferaOval Grass Tree PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Xanthosa pilosaWoolly Xanthosia PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Xerochrysum bracteatumGolden Everlasting or Yellow Paper Daisy PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          
Xyris bracteataSlender Yellow-eye PlantFlowerFruitLeaf          

92 plant(s) in flower this month.